Production analytics at oilfield enterprises

Analytics tools for issuing of alerts

Incident management log 

AVIST.Operation Module (Alarm Log. Events and Incidents Management) is designed for the monitoring and timely control of events in real time. It allows for response times to emergency events to be minimized and reduces the possibility of emergency situations arising. 

Analytics tools for data display:

PI Process Book

This is the main client application in the PI System for developing a graphical user interface based on mnemonic diagrams and trends, combining and structuring all production information necessary for quick and effective decision-making.   
PI ProcessBook enables the display of data from any system used in business and operations management. In the ProcessBook environment it's easy to process and analyze data or build a trend. PI ProcessBook screens can be connected to each other for instant access to additional data, allowing quick detection of production problems.

Web Portal

Web portal is a thin client that consolidates information from all adjacent MES systems (hydrocarbon accounting, LIMS, weather stations, etc.).

Analytics tools for reporting:

PI Data Link

 PI Data Link is an application for data retrieval from the PI System to an MS Office Excel sheet with the ability to perform calculations and plot functions. Along with allowing users to create charts and format data in MS Excel, PI DataLink is a powerful tool for monitoring, analysing and building reports on data retrieved from the PI System.

Mircosoft Excel (PI SDK)

With the PI SDK, one can develop add-ons to Microsoft Excel, enabling reports corresponding to any of the enterprises control parameters to be generated.

Principal use cases for analytical tools are:

  • Monitoring of material flows in the extraction, preparation, transport and delivery of oil, information on the balances of liquid, oil, gas, water, oil products;
  • Monitoring of the availability of crude and prepared oil, petroleum products in technological processes in the oil and gas industry, accounting for oil, gas, oil products in tanks (oil residues, free tanks, oil and petroleum products);
  • Monitoring of leak detection in pipelines;
  • Monitoring of equipment performance;
  • Decision-making in production management;
  • Evaluation of the overall performance of the company.

Benefits of using analytics tools:

  • Reduction of losses in production, collection, preparation of oil and water injection due to continuous monitoring of gas-liquid mixture flows, oil, formation water, gas, and detection of major imbalances and subsequent diagnostics for their occurrence in technological facilities.
  • Energy cost savings through operational control of oil and gas production asset materials and energy flows.
  • Reduction of oil production losses owing to a reduction in technological equipment downtime through combining the schedules for underground well repair, MRO of ground oilfield equipment, power equipment, SI, automation and communications.
  • Reduction in data aggregation time for supporting decision-making through elimination of data discrepancies in documentation from individual department.
  • Improvement of the general level of production management by aggregating process control systems data from individual operating systems of production facilities, software complexes and information systems into a single system.

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