Analytical tools for alert management
Incident Management Log
The AVIST.Operation module (Alarm Log. Event and Incident Management) is designed to monitor and manage events in real-time. It minimizes the reaction time to emergency events and reduces the probability of abnormal situations.
Analytical tools for data visualization
PI ProcessBook
PI ProcessBook is the basic client application in the PI System for developing a graphical user interface based on mnemonic diagrams, trends that combine and structure all the production information needed to make decisions quickly and efficiently.
PI ProcessBook allows displaying data from any business and operations management system. The Process Book environment makes it easy to process and analyze data and build a trend. The PI Process Book screens can be linked to each other for instant access to additional data, enabling rapid discovery of operational issues.
Web Portal
Web portal thin client consolidates information from all related ACS systems (hydrocarbon accounting, LIMS, weather stations, etc.).
Analytical tools for reporting
PI DataLink
PI DataLink is a Microsoft Excel add-on that enables you to retrieve information from your PI System directly into a worksheet. Combined with the computational, graphic, and formatting capabilities of Microsoft Excel, PI DataLink is a powerful tool for monitoring, analyzing, and reporting PI System data.
Mircosoft Excel (PI SDK)
PI SDK can be used to develop Microsoft Excel add-ons allowing to build reports on any enterprise benchmarks.
Basic scenarios for using analytical tools:
The benefits of using analytical tools:
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