Alarm Log. Events and Incidents Management

AVIST.Operation (Alarm Log. Events and Incidents Management) is designed for monitoring and timely control of events in real time. It allows for the minimizing of response times to emergency events and a reduction in the likelihood of possible emergency situations occurring. 

AVIST.Operation controls tens of thousands of indicators and provides engineers with tools for generating analytical rules ("smart rules"): sets of logical criteria for filtering signals from a variety of process facilities in order to deal with only events that may have a critical impact on key production processes. 

Application results

  • Reducing personnel workload through the use of a single interface (up to 25%).
  • Reducing response time to events by obtaining all necessary information in a "single window" (up to 20%).
  • Reducing potential damage in case of accidents by detecting events in real time (up to 3%).
  • Reducing influence of the human factor in controlling events.
  • Reducing losses owing to a reduction in incident management times (up to 8%).
  • Reduction in accident rate due to detection of recurring events (up to 12%).
  • Less need for as many qualified personnel on duty, and consequently a reduction in current production costs.
  • Increase in accuracy and quality of production asset situation related-data.


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