Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)

The need to increase labour productivity and optimize logistics, unexpected breakdowns and unpredictability when it comes to operating equipment, errors caused by human factors, and compromises in quality: these are the issues which our customers – major industrial enterprises are faced with.  

The organizational concept for industrial production – the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) – assumes the presence of a production system in each element (measurement and control equipment, machinery, process units, materials, finished products, etc.) of built-in smart technology which allows these elements to interact independently. These elements of the production system in terms of the IIoT concept represent a single set of intellectual things with different levels of intellectual functionality (from the standard capabilities of instrumentation and controls to the implementation of control, optimization and self-diagnostic tasks, etc.).

In practice, the implementation of IIoT technology solves the problems associated with insufficient levels of productivity, high costs, imperfect logistics, misuse of equipment, its unexpected breakdowns, long commissioning of the new equipment, compromises in quality, and errors caused by the human factor.

The ITPS group of companies provides such solutions to the oil and gas industry and is already implementing IIoT projects.

The integrated ITPS approach to the automation of production using IIoT technologies consists of three components.

1)  Hardware is the wireless segment of the LPWAN network. This is a wireless technology for transferring data over long distances (up to 15 km) with low power consumption. The technology has been developed for distributed telemetry networks, inter-machine interaction and IIoT. LPWAN is one of the wireless technologies that provides data collection from various equipment: gauges, meters, and sensors. Hardware and signal coverage is provided by our partner, ER-Telecom (Enforta).

2)  Software platform for data collection and processing based on AVIST in-house solution (Asset Virtualization System). AVIST is an integration platform (compatible with various vendor software types), which collects and analyses big data in real time based on built-in intelligent algorithms.

3)  Service business model – subscribes users to certain services hosted in the cloud. Benefits of using the service model are: ability to connect to/disconnect from additional services without the need to implement a fully-fledged project; ‘one-click’ connection to new services; no need to maintain in-house resources to maintain and guarantee platform operability, moving capex to opex with flexible control of expenditure.

Users can select the service they need as and when they so require. Thanks to the cloud and IIoT technologies, the customer will be able to receive the service in question as conveniently and quickly as possible. ITPS specialists have prepared data packages and services for drilling companies as well as capital and underground well workover, planning and optimization of mobile team operation, etc. 

At a meeting with IT company representatives, President Vladimir Putin is brought up to speed on the Industrial Internet of Things technology in a presentation given by ITPS

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