The experts of ITPS Group of Companies took part in TAdviser SUMMIT 2021, one of the key events in IT-industry, which brings together the key players of the Russian IT-market – customers and suppliers. The main goal of the event is to exchange the practical experience of applying IT in different sectors of economy. The event participants included the managers of IT-departments of the state companies, the largest industrial enterprises and holding companies, banks, retailers, heads of specialized ministries and agencies, and the top-managers of all the main IT-integrators. The essential topic of TAdviser SUMMIT 2021 was efficiency improvement of production, business and state governance with new technologies in the context of digital economy and current economic challenges.
“The world will never be what it used to” – this generally acknowledged thesis has created a powerful momentum for the development of IT-industry last year. The need to optimize business and make decisions promptly has made the companies revise their priorities and welcome digital innovations to actively benefit from their advantages. As result, the Russian IT-market did not plummet as many experts had predicted, but grew by 14% instead. This was possible because the trust in digital technologies on behalf of the state and “big business” improved. There is a reason why the speakers of TAdviser SUMMIT 2021 included the representatives of EvrazHolding, UralChem, Russian Railways, PGK, EUROCEMENT Group and other companies, which showed good performance in 2020. In their reports, they presented new development vectors based on the modern IT-strategies and advanced management methods.
According to Dmitrii Romanov, ITPS Director for Digital Production, the business processes’ digitalization will become the key technological trend in the upcoming decade. “Just imagine that all the existing business strategies have lost their value. There is an acute need to deal with practical tasks: the faster the better. It has become evident that the digital maturity of a company facilitates dealing with such tasks, even remotely. We offered a number of measures and tools for the market, which support the production in terms of finding a fast solution to a critical situation. It included convenient services for remote working and integration of business processes of all levels. By using them, the companies managed to mobilize their resources in a short time and cut losses arising from the bottlenecks in the processes chain. Any challenging situation can be used as an opportunity for the development and growth”, the expert noted.
Last year ITPS Group of Companies featured sustainable growth by the number of integrated IT-projects, related to the implementation and support of ERP-systems, enterprise management solutions (APS, MRP, MES, MDC/MDA), asset management and maintenance systems (ЕАМ), and efficiency control systems (BI, CPM). The majority of customers were represented by the oil and gas, mining and metallurgic companies.