Managing big data on SAP HANA platform
SAP HANA platform allows for continuous collection of large amounts of transaction data (laboratory, process, operational) to be collected from various systems and a comprehensive operational analysis to be performed in real time.
Taking advantage of column storage technology, mass-parallel processing and in-memory calculation allows for large amounts of transactional data to be processed and analysed in real time.
With SAP HANA, users are able to identify trends based on historical data and get more accurate forecasts. The use of this platform increases the efficiency of consolidated reporting, formed on the basis of large data volumes. The data is stored, processed and visualized in the form of regulatory, analytical and tabular reports, graphs, forecasting and modelling dashboards for in-depth analysis of production process efficiency.
Using SAP HANA platform improves the efficiency and quality of managerial decisions by eliminating data discrepancies at different levels. In addition, labour costs for aggregating data and reporting are reduced.