The traditional approach to developing an MRO management system is based on the execution of individual business process steps, as a chain of sequentially-executed standard transactions from a large set of transactions provided by the applied information system. This is not on the whole perceived as user-friendly approach, since it requires users to be able to seamlessly navigate across the range of available system actions, in addition to which, screen layouts of plans do not correspond to those widely used in domestic production practice. In order to avoid these setbacks and to ensure the integration of all actions within a 'single window’ framework, ITPS consultants developed a SAP ERP-based solution, which produced 4 views of the data necessary for the management of MRO business processes: a calendar plan, resource plan, logistics support plan and procurement plan for MRO services.
Planning processes are cyclic and iterative processes, during which various initial data is repeatedly modified. The "multisource planning" solution allows for a number of actions (transactions) to be performed in order to change the initial data during the course of MRO planning and management directly in a single window, which will ensure:
The solution provides all the necessary tools for the implementation of MRO planning and management functions:
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