1. A comprehensive survey of the existing version of the corporate industry portal of the oil refining, petrochemistry, and gas processing division of the LUKOIL Group;
02. Development of a new modern design of the Innovation and Communication Support System (ISU SPIC) with new functionality following the current strategy of digital transformation of LUKOIL Group enterprises;
03. Migration of the portal solution to the new MS SharePoint 2019 platform, an adaptation of all existing services to work with the new platform, development of existing functionality, and implementation of new features;
04. Arrangement of centralized storage of documents in a single workspace with the ability to quickly find the necessary records and an increase in the data storage capacity.
The project's goals are to increase the efficiency of corporate communications, systematize data and provide user-friendly access to working documentation, create an innovative mechanism for generating ideas to improve production and business, etc.
As part of the project, ITPS specialists conducted migration of the portal solution to the new MS SharePoint 2019 platform. The solution's functionality includes a widget system, offering users direct access to the information they seek. The portal pages have been adapted for use on mobile devices.
The portal has acquired about 20 new functional services, including:
"I have an idea" designed to collect, register and process proposals to improve the production processes of enterprises, as well as to transfer experience and scale implemented ideas. The user-friendly interface of the service allows business optimization departments to work with incoming proposals and inform them about their status.
"Results and goals" offers users access to presentations and minutes of annual performance meetings, selectors of the division, and policy briefs. The service allows the selection of relevant materials and the uploading of data in a single archive.
"Plants in figures" reflects the main production indicators of plants based on MS Power BI tools. Users can get acquainted with the indicators of both the group on the whole and a specific enterprise separately.
"Question to the manager" allows portal users to get an answer from the management of the division and subsidiaries.
"Vacation schedule" provides information about the planned vacations of the company's managers and their replacements. Signing up for electronic notifications on the managers' vacation schedules is also possible.
"Vice President's blog" informs users about the division's activities. This service helps the management tell the employees about important events, achievements, and vectors of further development.
"News" provides access to a single news feed for all employees, information from the newsfeeds of enterprises, workers, and network groups, with the possibility of filtering. Each division subsidiary has its website on the portal, including a description, results achieved, and news.
"Everything you need to make presentations" contains valuable resources for creating presentations.
"Library" gives access to regulatory documents and provides a new way of sharing files for collaboration, with optimized mechanisms for searching and storing information.
In addition, several social services were added to the portal: "Gallery of honor", "Media gallery", "Puzzle", and "Interesting fact".
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