Winning project for the nomination "Best IT Project" in the Global CIO "Project of the Year 2018" contest.
Development and implementation of an Automated Process Control System for Integrated Modeling (APCSIM) and an Automated Limitation Model Control System (ALMCS) based on the domestic digital platform AVIST Oil & Gas within the framework of the “LUKOIL” PJSC “Intellectual Field” project.
The joint project work of employee teams from LUKOIL-NIZHNEVOLZHSKNEFT LLC, LUKOIL-PERM LLC, RITEK JSC, LUKOIL-INFORM LLC, and the ITPS Group of Companies (work was carried out from August 2016 to April 2018).
Higher accuracy in long-term forecasting and quicker, more effective management decisions.
“At present, specialists of PJSC LUKOIL and LUKOIL subsidiaries actively use APCSIM and ALMCS solutions implemented in such a way as to be compatible and fully integrated with the LUKOIL information technology environment. We plan to further our cooperation in the development of automated solutions and technologies within the framework of the LUKOIL Intellectual Field Project...
...We would recommend the ITPS Group of Companies as an integrated partner for digital transformation and implementation of solutions based on the AVIST digital production integration platform”.
Acting Senior Vice-President for Oil and Gas Production, A. Habibullin
*The material is available in Russian version only