ITPS Group experts presented an innovative approach to establishing digital production in Omsk as part of a business mission to Omsky Kautchuk JSC (part of the Titan Group of Companies). The event focused on creating cost-effective chemical plants and the transition to new management technologies built on production data analytics.
The business program began with the Digitalization session, in which Dmitrii Romanov, Director of Digital Production at ITPS, presented the approach to using an innovative management model using the example of the project implemented at a continuous production cycle enterprise. According to the expert, the target cases in various industries are mainly similar: this includes the task of systematizing a large volume of production data, the task of establishing control over technological redistribution, as well as the expressed need to improve manageability and reduce risks, including those associated with the human factor.
"The task of creating a digital enterprise can involve a lot of industry specifics, but there are basic principles that are the same for all industries. In the example of the implemented project, we demonstrated how to create a technological foundation for the digitalization of a continuous production cycle holding company. The key solutions are effective visualization of production chains, forming a single access point to operational and historical data on production, implementing modern tools for real-time data analytics, etc. This methodology is well suited for the chemical industry; it can be used to solve a wide range of problems – from energy efficiency and optimization of production to the transition to predictive management methods of the enterprise. It’s most significant and immediate effect is a significant increase in the speed and quality of management decisions, which directly impact the economics of production," summed up Dmitrii Romanov.