Experts of the ITPS Group of Companies presented their development – a digital BIOT service for the early detection of diseases at the VI All-Russian Telemedforum (held on May 26-27, 2022, in St. Petersburg). The event's key topics are the latest achievements and practical examples of the introduction and use of telemedicine and digital healthcare technologies, as well as the financial aspects of innovative development of the medical industry.
In his speech at the New Opportunities for the Old Market session, Dmitrii Tachkin, Head of the ITPS Digital Solutions Center, emphasized that the BIOT digital service provided opportunities for modern clinics to personalize therapy and improve the quality of services, as well as to use telemedicine actively. The technology is based on remote continuous monitoring and analysis of human health indicators obtained from a personal wearable device (HEALBE GoBe smart wristband). The physician may track the changes in health indicators at an early stage with the help of the system and assess potential health risks for the patient in terms of metabolic disorders, cardiovascular diseases, the impaired adaptive capacity of the body, etc.
"Diseases usually do not occur all of a sudden; they become a natural result of interrelated and non-obvious at first glance factors that may harm the human body. It could be bad habits, chronic stress, poor nutrition, lack of sleep, or physical activity – something that always happens to us and needs to be corrected. Is it possible to tackle such risks proactively? The best option is to have a personal physician offer personal recommendations based on the characteristics of your body. Therefore, an important component of our service is regular communication with the attending physician, who, using BIOT data, promptly corrects therapy and lifestyle and prevents the development of serious diseases," summed up Dmitrii Tachkin.
The BIOT service was also presented at the site of the Moscow Department within the framework of the X Anniversary Technology Conference Startup Village 2022 (May 25, 2022, Moscow), prepared by the Skolkovo Foundation with the participation of VEB Group. The Russian Federation and its subsidiary VEB VENTURES. The large-scale event was attended by more than 150 promising developments at different stages of maturity – from a prototype to a finished product.