On April 20, 2022, the Production Management business portal published the IT Leaders for Industry 2022 ranking results. This year, analysts included 13 of the most significant IT market players operating in various industries. One of them is the ITPS Group of Companies, which is in the ranking for the sixth time, consistently taking a leading position in the segments relevant to the company's activities.
Like last year, the ITPS Group topped the Production Management (APS, MRP, MES, MDC/MDA) category. More than 67 projects totaling 1.47 billion rubles were implemented by the participants of the ranking in this segment in 2021. In other categories, ITPS positions have not changed significantly compared to the previous year: 3rd position in the Oil and Gas Complex category, 4th position in the IT Leaders for Russian Industry, Corporate Information Management Systems (ERP), and Asset Management and Maintenance (EAM) categories, 5th position in Performance Management (BI, CPM) and 6th position in Logistics Management (Procurement, SCE, SCM, WMS, TMS) categories.
"Today, enterprises with a continuous production cycle, where many unrelated factors contribute to the quality of the final product, are actively involved in digital transformation processes. We help them lay the foundations of digital management, create unified repositories of production data, and establish control over processes. This will allow industrial companies to evolve and develop in the future, to get more opportunities and advantages that Industry 4.0 technologies offer," emphasized the CEO of the ITPS Group of Companies, Leonid Tikhomirov.