Experts of the ITPS group of companies presented the BIOT digital service (designed for early detection of diseases and providing recommendations with the support of a personal physician) as part of the All-Russian Open Innovations Startup Tour 2022 competition. The Skolkovo Foundation has held the competition since 2011; its goal is to support technological entrepreneurship and search for promising innovations.
This year the Startup Tour covered ten cities in Russia. On April 14, 2022, the ITPS Group of Companies took part in the semifinals that took place in Perm. A total of about 120 projects were submitted online. The jury selected only 15 (including BIOT) for participation in the semifinals, five in each of the tracks: Information Technology, Biotechnology in Medicine and Agriculture, and Industrial and Energy Technology. The event was held at the site of the Morion Digital Technopark.
"We are pleased to participate in such a global and useful initiative as the Open Innovations Startup Tour. This is an opportunity to find partners open to new technologies and practices and have views similar to ours on the development of preventive medicine in Russia. Appreciation of our project from the expert jury confirms the relevance and potential of our solution," noted Head of the ITPS Digital Solutions Center, Dmitrii Tachkin.
The BIOT digital service is a medical decision support system that remotely collects and analyzes human health indicators from a wearable device and uses mathematical algorithms to identify potential health risks in metabolic disorders, cardiovascular disease, impaired adaptive capacity, and so on, at an early stage. The HEALBE GoBe smart wristbands are personal wearable devices that measure a wide range of parameters (more than ten) not requiring manual input. From calories absorbed by the body and hydration levels to heart rate, stress levels, and sleep quality.