The ITPS Group of Companies has confirmed the partner status of SAP PCOE (SAP Partner Centre of Expertise), which indicates that the partner company has the professional competencies necessary to provide a full range of technical support services for the vendor's products.
The PCOE certification is a complex multi-step procedure that encompasses all organizational processes, infrastructure, and personnel. Successful audit guarantees the customers that the critical elements of the company meet the high qualification standards and SAP requirements. A partner with a centre of expertise status can solve the client's tasks of any scale and complexity.
ITPS has been a certified SAP partner for over 15 years. The main customers are oil and gas and metallurgical holdings, mining plants, and transport companies. By implementing complex digital transformation projects, ITPS helps its clients achieve tangible cost savings in various aspects of production from maintenance and repair management (optimization of the equipment fleet, reducing the number of accidents and downtime, unplanned and premature repairs and ending with supporting processes: accounting, finances, procurement, warehouses, logistics, etc., reducing the influence of the human factor, optimizing labour costs, increasing the efficiency of the entire enterprise.
“The progress marches forward, and to successfully work with the new digital tools. We must continuously develop our expertise. The ITPS team currently includes certified specialists who can ensure the effectiveness of key business processes for our clients, offering them new competitive advantages through the unique capabilities of artificial intelligence, machine learning, predictive analytics tools, etc. Nowadays, the popularity of projects aimed at implementing and developing complex corporate information systems based on SAP S/4HANA, the intelligent platform of the new generation, is actively growing. The high level of SAP expertise allows creating the best solutions in its class," mentioned Aleksei Trofimyuk, Deputy Director for Implementation and Development of SAP Solutions at the ITPS Group of Companies.