The Global Technology Leadership Forum took place in Sochi on December 5 – a major business event bringing together leaders of the digital industry. The forum was organized by RVC (the Russian Venture Company) and the National Technology Initiative Platform (NTI) with the support of the Government of the Russian Federation. The main topics up for discussion were issues concerning implementation of the Russian technological policy, assessment of current results and the development of strategy for the next 15 years. The forum agenda included specialized topics relevant to each of the 12 markets included on the National Technology Initiative Platform list.
Nowadays a few programs are being implemented at the state level in Russia, aimed at supporting high-tech industries and stimulating scientific and technological development of Russian companies. Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Maxim Akimov emphasized in his welcome speech for the forum participants, that structural changes are happening around the world, the knowledge economy is replacing the industrial development model, and digital technologies are becoming the main factor in social and economic growth.
The ITPS Group of Companies took part in the Forum as a representative of Healthnet – the market for technologies and services leading to better health and longer lifespan.
The ITPS Biotelemetry solution based on Healbe personal wearable device is a service for identification and assessment of health risks through continuous remote monitoring of health parameters.
“One of the directions in the development of digital medicine is the use of wearable devices, including smart bracelets and smart platforms. Our professional Biotelemetry web application is based on the set of unique personal physiological parameters received from a Healbe device, and through BigData technologies and artificial intelligence. Using the solution makes it possible to identify the risks of developing a disease long before the onset of the first symptoms. The development is executed in close cooperation with practicing doctors and experts from major medical universities. Early diagnosis, taking timely measures and risk prevention – all these measures can significantly improve the statistics on work-related fatalities and life expectancy on a national scale,” said Leonid Tikhomirov, CEO of the ITPS Group of Companies, Head of Biotelemetry Solution Development Group and the inventor of idea.
“Preventive medicine today is the focus of all healthcare systems, in Russia, too. The future development of this area is at the borderline of medicine and IT. Biotelemetry digital solution, based on accumulation and analysis of data obtained from wearable devices for the early detection of health risks and prediction of diseases, is of great value to society and the potential for widespread use in the field of occupational medicine, corporate health programs and insurance plans,” notes Professor Irina Koryukina, Rector at Perm State Medical Academician Wagner University.
For information:
National Technology Initiative (NTI) is a long-term program aimed at creating new markets and provide conditions for Russian technological leadership by 2035. NTI focuses on the markets where it is possible to create industries of a new technological level, significant in terms of ensuring national security and a high standard of living for the citizens. Today, NTI brings together thousands of people, such as: entrepreneurs in the field of technology, representatives of leading universities and research centers, development institutes, authorities, expert and professional communities. 8 road maps for various markets such as Aeronet, Avtonet, Marinet, Neuronet, Healthnet, Energynet, Technet and Circular Movement have been approved within the NTI framework and almost 500 projects have received funding. NTI project office is based on the grounds of the Russian Venture Company.