"In fact, the digital economy is not a separate industry, it is a way of life — a new basis for development of the public administration system, economy, business, social sphere and society as a whole", stated Russian President Vladimir Putin, at a meeting of the Council for strategic development and priority projects. In the studies conducted within the framework of the European Commission's "Digital Transformation", experts urge the digital economy to be considered not just as a part of the traditional economy, but as an independent environment that includes both digital infrastructure and digital transformation of business, state, and even that of ordinary users-consumers of digital services.
Lower Saxony, June 5-6, 2018: within the digitalization policy, global experience is actively serving its purpose, and Russian entrepreneurs have not only something to learn, they are also able to showcase their own experience and expertise. Within the Perm Territory days in Lower Saxony, ITPS representatives in the Hanover delegation headed by Governor Maxim Reshetnikov gave an informative insight into the Region’s potential.
"Our regional government is actively working towards digitalization. Development directives have been outlined, and support is being provided to small and medium-sized businesses. Exactly the same thing is happening in Lower Saxony. Where before we were engaged in familiarizing ourselves with best practices as the principle goal of business ventures of this kind, now we are furthering the discussion with all parties now on the same page, exchanging information and experience. Perm business must learn to work at a global level. This means products and new discoveries should be destined not only for Perm, or only for Russia, but for the global market. And we have all the resources at our fingertips to do this", commented the CEO of the ITPS Group of Companies, Leonid Tikhomirov.
Perm Territory, I-II decade of June 2018: a meeting regarding "Digital Production" movement-in process was held, headed by Russia’s Deputy Prime Minister, the Minister of Industry, Entrepreneurship and Trade of Perm Terrotory, Alexei Chibisov. The "Vectors of Information Technologies in Urban Environment" round-table took place with the participation of the Minister of Information Development and Communications, Igor Nikitin, along with a "Business Picnic" – a major event held in Perm attended by the Governor of Perm Territory, Maxim Reshetnikov and aimed at entrepreneurs and those wanting to start their own business.
Perm Territory, the home of the ITPS Group of Companies, is always at the vanguard of industry developments and its breakthrough technologies are always developed with a view to advancing the evolution of the digital economy. ITPS representatives are part of the Coordination Council and expert team to create a concept for the region’s digital economy. Setting-up standards for digitalization, pilot projects in digital transformation of industrial enterprises, assessment of start-ups’ potential – these are just a few of the whole host of duties comprising the Perm Territory digital representatives’ work programme agenda
Digital industry of industrial Russia (CIPR), June 6-8, 2018, Innopolis: an up-to-date cross-industry platform designed to bring representative from all areas of industry together and promote a global dialogue between industry representatives, ICT professionals, the defence industry and investors on the status of the most pressing and urgent issues in the development of the digital economy, non-primary exports, applications of the digital economy within the defence industry and cyber security issues. ITPS representatives participated in the extensive business programme of the event and held B2B summit meetings.
“Oil and Gas»/MIOGE 2018, June, 18-21, Moscow, Crocus Expo IEC: "Oil and Gas"/MIOGE - 2018, June 18-21, Moscow, Crocus Expo IEC: In the oil and gas sector, which plays a key role in the country's economy, breakthrough solutions based on modern IT can have tremendous economic benefits. How can production process efficiency be increased? How can the accuracy of geological field models be improved? Is it true that the Industrial Internet of Things is an effective tool in optimizing oil production? Is there any measurable benefit of using digital technology in production? The ITPS team was directly involved in the running of the event. The CEO of ITPS Leonid Tikhomirov with the support of the Expert Council for mechanized oil production delivered reports at the round-table including one titled: "The Industrial Internet of Things" (IIoT) – a tool for optimizing oil production?", and the "Practical Concerns for Implementing the "Digital Economy" programme in the oil and gas industry in Russia" at the ComNews panel discussion.
"Our in-house developed AVIST (Asset Virtualization System) system for managing complex integrated models and plans is made using modern web technologies. Applying such technologies increases production efficiency from one to tens of percent, resources optimization, and enables a significant reduction in costs, which is particularly important in the current economic climate", revealed Leonid Tikhomirov, the CEO of ITPS.
SAP Forum in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, June 19, 2018
SAP Innovation Forum is the largest SAP business event in the Republic of Uzbekistan, bringing together business owners and executives and business and IT management experts to discuss ways in which digital technologies can be harnessed to increase the efficiency and performance day-to-day activities within a modern organization. The event is an opportunity to look at innovative solutions, fresh ideas and best-in-class strategies to improve the overall performance of an organization. Representatives of the largest organizations of state and financial sectors, energy, oil and gas and metallurgy industries of Uzbekistan were invited to participate in the plenary session. ITPS experts together with the representatives from one of the company’s key partners and customers in the Republic of Uzbekistan — LLC "LUKOIL Uzbekistan Operating Company" — delivered a report on "Building an effective enterprise management system based on SAP products" as part of the forum business programme. Let us recall that the ITPS Group and SAP are bound by almost 15 years of prosperous partnership and several dozen successful projects.
Conference "Digital Development of LUKOIL Group", June 29, 2018, Moscow: The key trend within the oil and gas industry has been the transition of the largest companies to a digital form of activity, involving innovative technologies throughout the entire process chain. ITPS representatives, headed by Leonid Tikhomirov, were invited to participate in this conference on digitalization as long-standing partners of the Lukoil Group of Companies.
Digitalization opens up conceptually new opportunities for creating added value for all industries and sectors of the economy. The unharnessed potential of industry digitalization is common to all regions of Russia. The digital economy share in Russia's GDP is only 3.9%, but its volume growth rates are significantly ahead of GDP growth rates. Due to digital transformations in traditional industries and development of an independent high-tech industry, McKinsey predicts that the value of the digital economy in Russia will triple by 2025, in relation to 2015, reaching 9.6 trillion rubles.