Publication in Standard magazine


Following the Russian oil & gas industry IT forum which took place last autumn a special edition of the Standard magazine was issued, including articles about import replacement strategies for the IT sector and IT prospects for the oil and gas sector.

One of the articles was devoted to a presentation by Leonid Tikhomirov, CEO of Parma-Telecom LLC (ITPS Group).

Mr. Tikhomirov contributed to the forum a presentation entitled «Intellectualization of the Russian Oil and Gas Industry as a Driver for Developing Russian IT Products.» This presentation was developed together with experts from the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Gubkin Russian State Oil and Gas University.

The presentation described approaches and tools developed by the ITPS Group as part of the integrated solution «Smart Field», including AVIST integration platform (Asset Virtualization System) used to monitor key data about the status of a field and its facilities.

Mr. Tikhomirov’s presentation was recognized as one of the three top presentations of the forum.

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