TRENDS. EVENTS. MARKETS: Digitalization - key success factors

TRENDS. EVENTS. MARKETS: Digitalization - key success factors

Digital Transformation is a new stage in the development of the information era. Over the past decade, technology has made a rapid leap forward, penetrating virtually all areas of human activity. Progress does not stand still, and whereas earlier, companies built geographically-distributed networks, launched IT-service management technologies and developed their own resources, today everyone is leaning toward cloud solutions and models based on BigData and IoT.

A company’s information systems comprise four pillars: business processes, hardware, application software, and network infrastructure. Digital transformation implies the creation of a unified information environment that links all systems – personnel, software, networks, physical and virtual devices into one whole, and drives their operation in a single direction to achieve the primary goal – increasing economic efficiency. Leonid Tikhomirov, ITPS CEO, speaking about approaches to digital transformation and domestic digital tools in the federal business magazine TSR (“Trends. Events. Markets”).

* The material is available in russian version only

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