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OIL.GAS.NOVATION: Digital tools for integrated operations based on AVIST OIL&GAS – the way to efficient production management

OIL.GAS.NOVATION: Digital tools for integrated operations based on AVIST OIL&GAS – the way to efficient production management

The digital transformation of production is most often associated with a stack of technological solutions from the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0). Until very recently, end-to-end real-time data processing technologies, smart sensors and M2M (Machine-To-Machine) technologies, predictive maintenance and other solutions seemed like sheer fantasy. Yet now they’re the reality. Inventions don’t just shatter stereotypes – they change principles and approaches to solving production problems and in so doing create new trends and markets.

The ITPS experts spoke about the new approach to the management of oil and gas production, which involves the development of transparent and interconnected production processes, the creation and implementation of integrated models, integrated planning, capacity management (search and optimization), and integrated work with the choke model. The domestic digital solution AVIST Oil&Gas is used as the integration software platform for consolidating, processing and analysing data from various engineering and field systems. It is the development of the ITPS Group of Companies, which, combined with integrated operations tools, allows implementing the digital concept of an intelligent field.

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