Solutions for Automation of Procurement Management

Effective procurement management based on ITPS solutions

Procurement is a key cost item of any company. Effective procurement management based on a supplier relationship management system (SRM) helps to gain 100% control of procurement processes, reduce procurement costs, shorten their cycle and ensure compliance of procurement with the applicable laws. Automated procurement solutions from ITPS always use integrate global best practices for procurement management and are crafted off the back of the group’s many years of experience in successful SRM implementation for large manufacturing corporations from all over the world.    

Key facts                                                                                                        

SRM helps to improve effectiveness and transparency of procurement activities. For large companies, this results in reduction of procurement costs by as much as 14%. SRM speeds up communications with suppliers and facilitates involvement of new potential suppliers. As a rule, this significantly increases the competition level of procurement processes, i.e. the number of bidders for each procured item. Meanwhile, collecting and sorting information on contract performance by suppliers in SRM reduces risks of delayed supplies, poor-quality supplies and avoids contracts being awarded to unreliable suppliers. Thus, any manufacturer will benefit in multiple ways from SRM implementation.  

Automated procurement management includes:

  • Strategic procurement and selection of procurement sources:
    • Analytics
    • Qualifications of suppliers;
    • Selection of suppliers: competitive tendering and bidding, contract management
  • Operational procurement:
    • Personnel self-servicing
    • Scheduled purchasing
    • Service procurement
  • ​Supplier relationship:
    • Supplier self-registration
    • Interactions with suppliers
  • Business content:
    • Content consolidation
    • Content maintenance
  • Integration with ERP accounting systems, business intelligence systems (BI), data management systems (MDM).

Solutions offered for automated procurement

  1. Standard solution for procurement automation (SRM component).
  2. Procurement for partially state-owned companies (including requirements of 44-FZ and 223-FZ).
  3. Supplier life cycle management (SLC).

Services offered as part of procurement automation:

  1. Audit of existing systems.
  2. Development of a new solution.
  3. Implementation.
  4. System support and personnel training.

​ITPS solutions for supplier relationship management are used by companies from different industries: mining processing, oil and gas and telecom industries. Irrespective of the customer’s industry, automation of this business process helped to reduce time spent on procurement and man-hours in addition to improving competitiveness and transparency of procurement. 

For success stories featuring customers who opted for a procurement management solution based on SAP SRM see the following links.

* The material is available in Russian version only


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