The specialists of Kazanorgsintez PJSC (the most prominent Russian producer and exporter of polyethylene, part of the Sibur Group) presented the results of the project on the implementation of the "Metrological Support Management Information Center" (MSMIC) software complex, implemented in partnership with the ITPS Group of Companies.
The project was delivered within the framework of the ХI Metrologists Conference "Topical Issues of Ensuring Uniformity of Measurements and Metrological Support for Hydrocarbon Crude and Petroleum Products Quality Metering and Control at Gazprom Neft PJSC." The conference's key topics were the issues of metrological support of production, quality control, and preservation, as well as modern technologies and directions of digital transformation.
Speaking at the plenary session, Rafael Sharifullin, Head of the Metrology Department of Kazanorgsintez PJSC, spoke about the organization of metrological support based on ERP functionality. Before the project's implementation, the measuring instrument accounting was carried out on the automated control system software, which had limited functionality and was not integrated with the existing ERP system of the enterprise. There was a need to synchronize all work on the accounting of measuring instruments of the enterprise and the formation of annual schedules of checks and calibrations with the business processes of accounting and financial accounting of work in terms of metrological support on a single software platform.
"As a result of the work, we have achieved significant effects, such as increasing the transparency and manageability of the metrological support of the enterprise, improving the performance of production assets in terms of measuring instruments and measuring channels, reducing downtime and labor costs for performing standard operations. The delineation of areas of responsibility has become clearer, which ultimately allowed us to improve the quality of control and execution of existing processes. Today, 52,710 units of measuring instruments are registered in the system. All this became possible largely thanks to the experience and professionalism of ITPS specialists, who have studied our needs in depth and have shown a high level of competence when working with ERP solutions," commented Rafael Sharifullin.
MSMIC is a software environment that provides access to standard ERP transactions and commands without having to invoke them directly. The approach proposed by ITPS is the principle of a "single window": most actions are performed by users within a single session by maximizing the use of contextual drop-down menus that contain sets of necessary actions.