The ITPS Group of Companies opened a series of practical online events, with the main purpose to create an interactive platform for discussing topical issues, methods, and tools to increase the efficiency of operational activities of industrial enterprises. On May 13 and 14, 2020, two events of the cycle took place, dedicated to the most acute current issues: digital procurement, optimization of maintenance and repair costs and a predictive model of production management. Representatives of 24 enterprises of the metallurgical, chemical, mining, cement, food and telecommunications industries attended the online events. Thanks to this approach, the targeted study of pressure points and the development of working digital decision-making models became possible.
“Cutting costs and increasing reliability: effective approaches to managing maintenance and repair” became one of the most popular topics at the ITPS online event today. With examples demonstrating the economic component of the approaches to the MRO implementation and benefits of proactive strategies for MRO management over traditional periodic aproach. Seven cases from ITPS practices demonstrated the process of creating forecasts, identifying possible risks, and taking preventive measures before the faults occur with the help of a complex solution combining real-time databases and data from other applied systems. The math here is simple, the average cost of accident elimination is twice the cost of prevention and five times more than the cost of predictive maintenance.
“Transition to predictive MRO management model always gives a tangible economic effect: first, you get complete information on the current state of equipment, and second, almost unlimited opportunities for effective management which are immediately converted into lower operating costs for unscheduled and emergency repairs. The system is designed to increase the efficiency parameters by reducing equipment downtime by 23% and reducing troubleshooting time by up to 35%. Optimizing labor costs for planning and preparation work by up to 40%, reducing the cost of materials, equipment maintenance and repair services by 15%.” These are real values” said Denis Vasiliev, Head of Production Processes and MRO at ITPS.
Another area where quick effects are obvious is procurement. ITPS experts discuss how to achieve 40% - 55% savings per year by using a single integrated procurement system at the webinar Digital Procurement: Cutting Prices, Cutting Costs. “We work with all SAP solutions, but today the best results are obtained with the help of SAP ARIBA, which is already used by the major corporations around the world. The solution ensures consolidation and structure of information storage, which significantly reduces the time for processing invoices and delivery orders. It also allows you to quickly select the best supplier and facilitates the whole procurement process. This is especially important today in the face of rapidly changing needs and market conditions. At the same time, the volumes of unclaimed stocks are reduced, supplier base is expanding, also retrieving the best prices, and completely eliminating paperwork errors by reducing the human impact factor. You may switch to digital procurement based on SAP ARIBA remotely and very quickly. It will take us no more than 12 weeks to implement the standard functionality and to get real economic effects for our customers,” said Alexei Shelkov, Head of Digital Procurement at the ITPS Group of Companies.
As part of the events, the speakers had active discussions with the participants on the questions related to the current situation the cases presented and possible planned solutions. The ITPS expert team with extensive international project experience in the field of digitalization of production, provided comments on the results online. The organizers of a series of practical online events are sure that self-isolation will eventually come to an end, but there will always be tasks to increase efficiency, and together we will be able to find the best solution for them.