The rapid pace of technological development has changed the industrial sector beyond recognition. Every year, the work of personnel in enterprises becomes smarter and more intensive. In order to ensure high efficiency, companies and the state must invest not only in technology, but also in human capital. On February 12, 2020, the 7th “Affordable Medical Solutions at the Enterprise” conference was held in Moscow, at which case studies of the ITPS Biotelemetry solution were presented, intended to provide non-stop remote monitoring of the personnel health condition using the data obtained from wearable devices.
The “Affordable Medical Solutions at the Enterprise” conference is known as one of the most significant events in the field of corporate healthcare. This year, one of the main topics for discussions was digital technology and the development of “Health Industry”. The conference was attended by HR managers and heads of departments at major enterprises, risk managers, heads of compensation and benefits departments, medical and insurance institutions, IT companies, Russian and foreign experts from such companies as: Sogaz, MTS, Russian Regional Development Bank, Doctor Ryadom, Novolipetsk Steel Company, Rosatom, Medsi, Roscosmos, Rosgosstrakh, Skolkovo, Rosseti, ITPS, Renaissance Insurance, Lavochkin Scientific Development and Production Centre, and Ernst&Young.
Dmitri Tachkin, Head of the ITPS Digital Solutions Centre, demonstrated at the event, how the digital Biotelemetry system accumulated data for an individual employee, evaluated their health condition for a certain period of time and identified a risk which was then used as a basis for producing additional medical recommendations. Using this approach at the enterprise can make it possible to detect health conditions that pose potential danger in due time and to take the necessary measures in order to improve the health of the personnel and prevent production hazards, and to optimize insurance and medical services provided under the private health insurance scheme.
The relevance of this decision has been confirmed for older patients, people from certain risk groups, as well as for the young and active population.
Biotelemetry embraces three main components: a wearable device (the manufacturer recommends using HealBe bracelets), a mobile application that collects and sends data for processing, and the professional web-solution, allowing to create personal accounts for the employees, analyse the data collected and make reliable long-term forecasts.
The value of the approach lies in the possibility to pay close attention to the health and psycho-emotional conditions of each employee, which is difficult to arrange at large enterprises with hundreds of employees. The ITPS portfolio already includes cases on monitoring and working with the groups of 20 to 50 people, the solution can be customized to work with the tasks and risks at a particular enterprise, and it can also be scaled and replicated at large enterprises – the mathematical models based on artificial intelligence technologies will unmistakably distinguish the employees requiring additional medical attention from the total number of people.
Information from the personal wearable devices allows not only predicting the onset of diseases, but also evaluate the activities that are carried out in order to prevent the diseases, maintain healthy lifestyle, assess the quality and adequacy of treatment.
“Health is a basic human need. In modern economic realities, it is beneficial for an employer to take care of the health and performance of their employees, invest in an HR brand, and increase the level of safety in the workplace. Of course, our solution does not make any diagnoses, but it allows us to conduct non-stop remote monitoring of a person’s health condition, to notice deviations from the norm or the risk of their occurrence over time, to inform the user and their personal doctor, who will take a decision on further action. This approach allows us to work more effectively with the risks in a modern enterprise, to move from an incident management model to a predictive one. For medical institutions this is an opportunity to increase the efficiency of diagnostics and the quality of preventive measures which ultimately will reduce the statistics on the most serious diseases significantly,” mentioned Dmitri Tachkin.