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ITPS and OSIsoft hold workshop about real-time integrated operations


On April 26, ITPS and OSIsoft held a joint workshop «Real-Time Integrated Operations» in Moscow. The event took place at the SAP research and development center in Moscow — SAP Labs. The workshop attracted attention from such companies as Transneft-Technologies LLC, Moscow United Energy Company, Engel Russia, Severstal and Zarubezhneft.

The workshop was organized as an interactive roundtable discussion and addressed the following topics:

  • Approaches to implementing an operational production control solution based on the PI System
  • Functionality of real-time incident control system based on PI AF
  • Efficient planning of maintenance and repair activities based on actual equipment running time
  • Integrating the PI System and SAP HANA for integrated production and business reporting

The workshop also included demonstrations of AVIST.Operation and PI System incident control systems and gave participants the opportunity to share their experience about implementing and integrating MES and MRO.

OSIsoft is a developer and supplier of PI System, open real-time events and data infrastructure. The PI System is widely used by companies from the oil & gas, energy, processing and discrete manufacturing industries in over 100 countries to provide real-time data and improve business efficiency.

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