In the current unstable economic situation and changes in the tax policy of the Russian Federation, the oil and gas sector requires new tools, technologies and advanced management methods. Quick market changes, decrease in the cost of raw materials, development of technologies in the field of global decarbonisation – these factors force oil and gas companies to mobilize and more actively adopt advanced technologies of Industry 4.0 in order to adapt to the changes and be more efficient and fast.
The ITPS experts presented a new approach towards implementation of production control centre functions for an oil and gas production asset using digital integrated operations tools based on the AVIST Oil&Gas solution, developed by the ITPS Group of Companies. The developed methodology and tools support end-to-end working scenarios, make it possible to perform multivariate calculations on an integrated asset model (IAM), evaluate the potential of production units, and flexibly manage production plans. Taken together, these methods and tools make it possible to implement the Intelligent Field concept. The approach is implemented on the basis of a service model. The technology does not require capex for its implementation and maintenance of an expensive applied and technical architecture.
Read more in the scientific and technical journal Oil.Gas.Innovations.